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Fork Cancer Palm Beach Florida

Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach


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GenNow Network is a leadership group of Palm Beach’s best and brightest emerging leaders dedicated to leading the world in the fight against cancer. Our dedication, along with your generous support, is pivotal to fulfilling our mission to support local cancer education, advocacy, research, and patient services. The 4th annual Fork Cancer will take place on Thursday, May 29, 2025. The evening brings together the best of Palm Beach’s vibrant food, cocktail, and entertainment scenes for one night to benefit the American Cancer Society.

Our Mission

Mission Funding: ACS General

As the only organization combating cancer through advocacy, discovery, and patient support, the American Cancer Society has made significant contributions to the fight against cancer over the last 110 years. We advocate for lifesaving policy changes, promote healthy lifestyles to help prevent cancer, and provide information, answers, and support to people in every community who have been touched by cancer. We also research cancer and its causes to find more answers and better treatment.

Yet, there is still work to be done – which is why we are so glad you have joined us tonight! The American Cancer Society continues to work tirelessly to fund research and provide support for all types of cancer. And thanks to your generous support, we work to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.

Every cancer. Every life.

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GenNow Network of Palm Beach

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Fork Cancer Event

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Our Impact

4 Years

For more than 10 decades, the American Cancer Society has been dedicated to pursuing better outcomes for every cancer, every life. Today, more people are surviving cancer than ever before, but there is still work to be done. Join us, support us, and help us end cancer as we know it, for everyone.

$ 6.9 B

towards cancer research

68 %
Survival Rate

increase in five-year survival rate for all cancers combined

50.8 M
Saving Lives

lives touched in 2022

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